Small decisions that can make a big difference – Watch Your Mouth

“Arghhhh, @#$%&!…” Is this what comes out of your mouth when things are not the way you want? Or maybe when you hit your thumb instead of the nail? Those bad words find a way out of our mouth so quickly that we do not have time to hold them back. When we realize, they […]

Limping your way in the Kingdom

Our generation places great value on those who are the healthiest, the strongest, the fittest, the youngest, and the smartest, leaving behind a throng that do not fit in this mold anymore. In this new era there is no room for aged, weak, small, sick, or people to are not used to the new gadgets. […]

C’mon God, Give Me a Break! – Conclusion

“Everybody has a story of sorrow to tell.” This is what a Brazilian friend and colleague used to say. We all have. We live in a broken world, and we are broken too. The prophet Isaiah puts it in a beautiful way: “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man […]

C’mon God, Give Me a Break! – They are against me without any reason!

Have you ever been blindsided? Not only have you been caught by surprise, but attacked by someone that you would never expect? It could be a good friend that you trusted, a long time colleague, or a member of your own family. We share this common experience. We expect opposition from our enemies, but not […]

C’mon God, Give Me a Break! – That was a close one!

Probably, everybody has a story, or more, to tell about a situation that could have been disastrous, but for some reason was not. For example, a car accident that could have had fatal consequences but ended up not being so bad. Sometimes people in the military can remember circumstances when they thought that everything was […]

Learning to be the Remnant – 8 – Be optimistic

One of the realities of being a remnant is to see and experience the bad stuff. The remnants are the ones who will suffer, will lose, will ultimately be left behind with almost nothing. When this happens the normal reaction is pessimism. Pessimism is “a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe […]