Micah – Hope During Gloomy Times – Part 2

How can we have hope in times such as this? Maybe that is the biggest question that is popping up in your mind and heart. We would love to have hope, but the way things are going, we find it very difficult to have it. In our series, we are taking a snapshot of the […]

Micah – Hope During Gloomy Times – Part 1

In Brazil we have a saying that goes like this: “Quanto mais eu rezo mais assombração aparece.” This is that kind of expression that only makes sense if spoken in Portuguese. I mean if we try to translate this into English, we will literally have the sentence “the more I pray, the more ghosts appear to me”. […]

Psalm 126 – The Restoration of God’s People – Part 3

I know some churches and some people that are stuck, frozen, almost paralyzed in a time when God acted in their lives. They just do not want to move away from that experience. It is like Peter, John, and James on the Mountain of the Transfiguration. After seeing Jesus, Moses, Elijah, and hearing the voice […]

I believe in the life everlasting – The right hope

Despair – when we lose all hope; when we do not see a way out; when we feel that our options are gone. Every time that we talk about the life everlasting a few people have questions and doubts about what is coming after death. In the survey by the Barna Research Group we find […]

C’mon God, Give Me a Break! – Conclusion

“Everybody has a story of sorrow to tell.” This is what a Brazilian friend and colleague used to say. We all have. We live in a broken world, and we are broken too. The prophet Isaiah puts it in a beautiful way: “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man […]